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5 Common Mental Health Issues For Among Youth in Canada

Just recently, a network of children’s hospital in Canada initiated a countrywide project which aimed to support mental health programs for young people. The initiative is a timely intervention as more youth are revealed to be suffering from mental health issues amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a 2019 report, it was reported that one out of five Canadians will have a mental disorder before they even reach adulthood. Medical experts said that a significant number of young people do not have access to mental health care and can only be accommodated if their condition has already worsened.

The project is just one example of what we can do to help the young generation cope with mental health issues. Creating programs and healthcare options to tailor-fit the needs of children and teenagers is a step in the right direction given the rising cases of mental health problems within that age bracket.

What are the five most prevalent mental health disorders affecting young Canadians? 


Anxiety is a natural body response when faced with stressors. Normally, we can manage it, but people suffering from anxiety disorders have difficulty keeping their fears and worries at bay. The prevalence of this psychological condition among Canadian youth can be attributed to social expectations and pressure and social media. More recently, severe anxiety cases are on the rise because of the uncertainty and significant social changes brought about by lockdowns and protocols due to the COVID-19 outbreak.

If you are suspecting that your child is suffering from severe anxiety, check for the following signs:

  • The child worries repeatedly about simple routines;
  • He or she is easily irritable;
  • You can observe significant behavioral changes on your child;
  • The child is going to great lengths just to avoid school, social activities, or social interactions;
  • His or her grades start to drop;
  • The child is having insomnia and is losing focus;
  • He or she is starting to try substances;
  • The child is beginning to engage in risky activities which he or she  will not normally do (like coming home late);
  • He or she is having recurring stomachaches or headaches or both;
  • The child complains of being tired all the time.

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 

Also called attention deficit disorder (ADD), this condition is characterized by excessive levels of hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Children or teens with ADHD have trouble staying still or focusing on one activity. ADHD has three subtypes:

  • Predominantly inattentive. Symptoms include difficulty paying attention, carelessness, getting easily distracted, aversion to activities requiring mental focus, and being forgetful.
  • Predominantly impulsive. Children under this subtype are manifesting the following signs: frequent fidgeting or squirming, inability to stay still, talking too much, constantly interrupting conversations, inability to wait, a penchant to intrude in activities, running around or climbing incessantly.
  • Both. This subtype shows a mix of both inattentiveness and impulsiveness.


Feeling sad or moody can be a part of growing up, but having depression is an entirely different situation. Depression is a mood disorder characterized by recurring feelings of sadness and a general loss of interest in life. A person with depression can have the same symptoms as with a person having anxiety. However, a depressed teen will most likely manifest the following:

  • Feelings of guilt and worthlessness
  • Having suicidal thoughts
  • Self-harming
  • Lack of motivation
  • Drastic weight change (weight loss or weight gain)
  • Social withdrawal


Schizophrenia is a complex psychiatric disorder wherein a person has difficulty recognizing reality and hallucinations. This altered perception of reality makes it difficult for a person with schizophrenia to integrate into society or make regular social interactions. There is no cure for this disorder yet, but there are various treatments that you can avail of to manage the symptoms and even function normally. Recognize the early signs of this disease:

  • Delusions or beliefs that are not founded in reality
  • Hallucinations or seeing or hearing things that cannot be seen and heard by other people
  • Disorganized speech or stringing together empty words which are usually caused by unstable thoughts
  • Disorganized behavior or excessive or unnecessary movements which can also include adopting strange postures or childish gait.
  • Negative symptoms or inability to take care of oneself which can include a disinterest in everyday routine, withdrawal, lack of emotion, or neglect of personal cleanliness.

Eating disorders

There are two kinds of eating disorders affecting teenagers: bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa. School cliques, social media, or society, in general, can pressure young teens to worry too much about looks, body shape, and weight especially when bullying can sometimes be an issue at educational institutions. Obsession with getting the “right” weight to look beautiful can cause either of these eating disorders.

Bulimia nervosa happens when a person excessively eats enormous portions of food to satisfy cravings. He or she then induces vomiting or takes laxatives to get rid of all the food and avoid the weight gain. Anorexia nervosa on the other hand is associated with obsessive food restrictions and irrational fear of gaining weight, usually leading to self-starvation.
If your child or teenager is suffering from any of these disorders, it is best to consult the opinion of a physician. If you cannot go to a walk-in clinic Thunder Bay, you can still get a fully-licensed medical practitioner’s advice at home by visiting online clinics. Seek help for your child now before it is too late.

Knowing About Salmonella Infection and How to Avoid It

The Public Health Agency of Canada is now looking at a possible salmonella outbreak after it recalled some imported products from the market. Early this August, the PHA advised Canadians not to consume, sell, or serve any type of onion produced by Thomson International Inc. of Bakersfield, California, USA, or anything made out of these onions because of salmonella.  Then, before this month ends, another product is being recalled because of the presence of this bacterium – imported peaches.

On its August 21, 2020 updated Public Health Notice, the Canadian government announced that there are already 379 salmonella infection cases with the province of Alberta having the highest number of affected people. Apparently, a salmonella outbreak is now starting to sweep Canada.

Should you be worried? If you follow health protocols and arm yourself with the proper information, you can avoid being part of the statistics. Here are things that you need to know about salmonella infection and how you can avoid it:

In focus: Salmonella Infection

Salmonella is a type of bacteria that thrive in animal or human feces. Contamination occurs when the infected excrement comes into contact with crops, water, and animals. The bacteria then transfers to people who consume these uncooked or undercooked products. Handling tainted produce or meat without washing hands afterward also contributes to its spread. The disease caused by this bacteria is called salmonellosis or salmonella infection.

According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, everyone can be susceptible to contracting salmonellosis. However, some people are most at risk with this ailment, namely, the elderly, pregnant women, kids aged five years old and below, or those who are already immune-compromised.

Salmonella infection symptoms are usually related to the stomach. They typically manifest anytime between seven hours to eight days after consumption of contaminated goods.  Symptoms of this disease include:

·         Painful stomach cramps

·         Blood in the stool

·         Colds and chills

·         Diarrhea

·         Fever

·         Headache

·         Vomiting

·         General feeling of uneasiness of the stomach

Diagnosing salmonellosis

There are several salmonella strains in existence today, and getting diagnosed will help health experts and authorities trace the source of the bacteria if there is a confirmed community spread.

You can visit your family doctor so that he or she can run some blood tests and take a stool sample. If you do not have a family doctor, you can visit a local walk in clinic Edmonton center so a licensed health professional can diagnose and treat you accordingly.

Available treatment options

If you have not yet consulted a physician about your sickness, you can only manage its symptoms. Drinking a lot of clean water and fluids will help combat diarrhea. If you can, get your hands on oral rehydration solutions or over-the-counter drugs like loperamide. If you are running with fever, take anti-fever medications.

If you are down with a severe case of salmonellosis, you will need anti-bacterial medicines to treat your sickness. Consult your doctor for this course of treatment.

How to avoid it

As the adage goes, prevention is better than cure. Salmonella is an enemy you cannot see, but it does not mean you cannot avoid it. Health experts advise the following precautionary measures to prevent contracting salmonella infection:

1. Practice good hygiene. Remember to wash your hands with soap and warm water. This habit can prevent bacteria from transferring from your hands to your mouth. Keep your hands clean after doing the following:

·         Using the restroom

·         Handling raw produce or meat

·         Touching high-risk pets like birds or reptiles

·         Cleaning up your pet’s pee and poop

·         Changing your child’s diaper

2. Prevent cross-contamination in food. Keeping your pantry products separate will keep the infected produce from contaminating clean ones. As a general rule in food storage, never place raw products in the same area as cooked ones. Separate raw poultry, meat, and seafood from other food in your fridge. If you can, purchase different chopping boards for raw products, vegetables, fruits, and bread.

3. Avoid consuming uncooked or undercooked food. Do not eat raw eggs or uncooked cookie dough, which has raw eggs in it. When eating food like sushi, make sure you are dining at a restaurant with a reputation for cleanliness and high-quality service. Never consume raw chicken. Wash your fruits and vegetables properly or peel them before consumption.

4. Practice good hygiene when dealing with pets, too. Regularly clean your pet’s cage, aquarium, or any place of habitation. Do it outdoors to avoid contaminating indoor areas with bacteria from excrement. If you have no choice but to clean indoors, make sure you disinfect the cleaning area after use.

Despite the spread of salmonella in some parts of Canada, you can do your part by protecting yourself and your family from infection. Learn about this disease and how you can effectively avoid it. Watch out for public health announcements from the government, too. Let us help each other combat this outbreak.

How Can I Find an Online Doctor in Canada?

The rise of virtual clinics in Canada has given people a choice to experience quality health care at home.  According to the Canadian Medical Association, virtual care and telemedicine are new alternatives for patients and doctors alike to connect and work together for the best possible health outcome. The CMA also attested that for Canadians who are unfamiliar with this process, virtual care is definitely safe and effective, and it also assures the privacy of clients using the online platform.

If you are looking for a physician that can immediately respond to your medical needs, “visiting” online clinics could be the answer for you. The question now remains, how can you find an online doctor in Canada? There are a lot of centers offering virtual healthcare nowadays. Here are some things that you need to keep in mind if you are looking for an online doctor:

User interface

Since you are using a digital platform, a website or application’s user interface can make or break your overall user experience. The homepage must relay what the main thrust of the clinic is. It must also clearly present the various services it can deliver. Besides the message, a user-friendly layout and design can also help in guiding visitors to connect with the doctor quickly. Too many tabs to click, floating ads and incoherent presentation of the website’s services would result in confusion and chaos.

Quality of Service

This is probably one of the first things that you must consider when choosing an online doctor. Making sure that you will receive quality service from qualified professionals is your utmost priority. Health and wellness is something that cannot be compromised. When you search for websites and mobile applications, however, you will notice that almost all of them are boasting about how they are offering quality healthcare to their clients. So how do you know which online clinic is the real deal?

You can check for two things: Public feedback and doctor experience.

Shortlist three online centers and read public feedback and comments on the internet regarding their service. Virtual healthcare providers with a track record are sure to leave positive reviews behind. Also, take note of negative reviews if there are any. Another thing that you can do is to ask around. Look around for family or circle of friends and acquaintances with experiences about availing online consultations. People you know are reliable sources of information if you are looking for virtual clinics offering quality service.

Visit the website and mobile application and check the roster of doctors working for the online clinic. A trustworthy healthcare provider will usually provide a separate section dedicated to presenting their doctors. If you cannot find a list of doctors, at least make sure that the quick care center that you are choosing is transparent about who is running the system and operations. A reliable virtual clinic will usually present details and credentials of their team, which is generally composed of seasoned and licensed medical practitioners.


This is also an essential factor to consider. Does insurance cover you? Is your online consultation going to be covered by your insurance? If the answer to both questions is yes, then you do not have to spend money out of your pocket when you talk to an online doctor Toronto healthcare provider.

If you do not have any insurance, the price charged by the clinic will inevitably affect your choice since you are going to pay for everything.  It is better to call or send the center an inquiry in advance to know about the fees. Always ask if there are additional payments that you need to be aware of. Usually, clinics will only charge you per successful patient-doctor consultation. Suppose, for any reason, the doctor will decide that your symptoms are not covered under the serviceable illnesses for online clinics. In that case, you will be promptly advised, will not be connected to a physician, and will not be charged with a consultation fee.


In the online world, you must always be careful of the personal information that you give away. With the fast evolution of the internet and technology also comes one bane – digital information theft. Thankfully, as mentioned earlier, even the Canadian Medical Association can attest that these online health care providers are reliable when it comes to keeping your confidential information. Find an online clinic that can secure all the information that you provide.

Continuity of Care

This is one of the biggest challenges of online clinics nowadays. Find one that will not leave you an aftertaste of being left behind after the consultation. A responsible virtual health care provider will give proper referrals and unique treatment plans for each patient. For the best patient care, experienced doctors will undoubtedly have an edge. You must not feel neglected after your online session. If you thought that way with your recent talk with an online doctor, maybe it is time to consider looking for another one.

If you have to take a pick, choose the option that is right for you. It is true for most of our decisions in life, and it is true for finding an online doctor in Canada. Choose wisely today.

The Poop on Baby Poop

Many a new mother has asked me about newborn bowel habits. In fact, it is probably the # 1 question I am asked, bar none. I frequently get frantic calls from new mothers whose baby has not had a bowel movement for 24 hours. So, let’s talk poop!!

Newborns have bowel movements that vary in behavior. The first few days, they are ridding their colon of a black, sticky substance called meconium. This is very normal. This is the substance that fills their intestines while they are in the womb. It is hard to clean up, and it does not rub off easily. After the first couple of days, you should see what we call “transitional stools”, which are still dark in color, but are slowly becoming looser, easier to wipe off their little bottoms and maybe with a few yellow seeds in them. These can vary in color from very dark brown, to green and may have spots of yellow in them.

From this point (approximately 4-7 days after birth), you will start to see progressively more yellow and looser stools. Now, these can also be on the green side, depending on what the baby is taking in. If you are breastfeeding, your diet can have something to do with this. If the infant is on vitamins of any sort, or iron supplements, the poops can be much darker in nature. But, they should be fairly loose and easy to clean up. If you are breastfeeding, this trend will continue. Stools will be loose, yellow/greenish and usually in the first few weeks, very frequent. They can also be very explosive!!!

When my son was a newborn, I was changing his diaper on the changing table and reached on the right side of the table to get a new diaper. As my head came up, I saw a flash of something go right before my eyes and then saw the “splat” on the dresser right next to me. I looked in wonder at how this small creature could produce anything with that much force behind it. Whew!! Just missed my head too!!

It actually is not that much force exerted, it has a lot to do with the small area it is shot out of. My point in all of this is to say that this is all very NORMAL. What mother has not experienced this or something like it, or the occasional “up the back” poop that boggles your mind?

If you are continuing to breastfeed, you will also notice that as your baby goes through growth spurts, he can go from pooping every time you feed him, to not having a bowel movement for 2-3 days. Again, very normal. Breast milk is very well utilized by their little bodies and in a big growth spurt, just gets down right used up. Nothing is left to eliminate. So, if you are used to changing a dirty diaper every time you feed your little tot, don’t fret when that changes. All babies go through growth spurts. Their bowel habits are ever changing. It is highly unusual for a breast fed baby to be constipated.

If you are bottle-feeding and using formula, their stools could be a little more solid. Usually they are what I call “silly putty poops”. This may be dating myself, but that’s what it looks like. The more solid consistency is due to the way they digest formula differently than breast milk. Again, it is very normal. Bottle fed babies can also have varying degrees of regularity. This is also due to the baby’s growth spurts.

So, you ask, “When do I worry”? Most doctors will not even bat an eye if you tell them your little bundle of joy has not pooped for 2-3 days. It is usually nothing to worry about. We do not call it constipation unless the actual stools look like little solid pebbles. Then, there is some intervening that can be done. Try a warm bath and moving baby’s legs like she is riding a bicycle. This sometimes helps to relax the muscles. Talk to your pediatrician if the baby seems very uncomfortable for long periods of time or it has gone beyond 3-4 days. There are a multitude of remedies out there; most of them from your own kitchen. But, every pediatrician has different opinions on this, so best to talk to yours.

If the stools are soft or loose, but infrequent, don’t worry. Your baby is most likely just growing. Call your online doctor Alberta pediatrician if:

1. It has been beyond 3-4 days,

2. Your baby appears very uncomfortable for a good part of the day

3. You see blood in the stool when she does go

4. The stools are hard, small pebbles

It is very rare, but there are some conditions that may warrant medical attention.

Babies have only, eating, sleeping and pooping to concentrate on, so their attention is fully on the “task at hand”. Their intense concentration can sometimes be misconstrued as discomfort, but wait it out. They will be back to their normal angelic looking self in no time. Babies systems are very efficient. They usually run easily on auto-pilot. Just relax and enjoy the moment. Someday you may write about it or tell stories at parties and embarrass your own grown child.

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Why People Don’t Seek Mental Health Treatment

Because of the increase of school shootings across the United States, there is an ongoing debate regarding solutions. One of the most looked at causes behind mass shootings are the mental state of the shooters themselves. Most mass shooters have some things in common with each other.

1. Grew up in a fatherless home
2. Was on prescription psychotropic drugs
3. Had stressful events going on in their lives

For category #1, the solutions are obvious. We need to revamp the family law courts in way that there aren’t “winning” parents and “losing” parents. I speak about this topic in-depth in my published report sent to the U.N. titled, “Global Human Trafficking in The Family Law Courts”, which can be found on Amazon.

However, for the sake of this article, I want to focus on the mental health aspect. It is undeniable that our school systems and our healthcare systems are handing out psychotropic drugs like candy! Kids who aren’t paying attention in class are quickly prescribed Ritalin. Depressed teenagers are quickly give Prozac; the situation for adults isn’t much better.

Let’s look at modern rappers like, “Lil Xan”, “Future”, and the recently deceased 20 year old rapper, “Lil Peep”, who died from a Xanax pill laced with Fentanyl. The rapper was seen on Instagram frequently swallowing hand fulls of Xanax pills daily. His young fans who idolized him are most likely following suit.

According to the “business-insider” news site, the United States of America is the world’s leader in prescribing anti-depressant medication. According to one of its articles published, it was found that 12% of all Americans are on some type of drug used to treat mental illness.

There are pros and cons to these numbers. Take South Korea for example, a very developed nation, yet it is ranked #3 for suicides. In the Korean culture, seeing a doctor for depression is a social stigma that shows weakness, especially on part of a male. It isn’t surprising considering that 80% of all suicides in the world are attributed to men. Because mental illness is pretty much ignored in South Korea and among males in general due to society pressures to remain “stoic”, people are killing themselves left and right.

On the other hand, the United States, which is ranked between #30 – #40 (depending on the study), for suicides. So, there is some evidence that perhaps anti-depressant medications can work. Or is it merely cultural? Jamaica often ranks at the very bottom of the list for suicide rates despite being a poor country. Although the poor, the communities are very close knit, and their culture is very cheerful. Perhaps it’s because marijuana is legal to smoke in the country! Who knows!

But, I do know one thing; anti-depressants and other drugs used to treat mental illness carry many side-effects. “Suicidal Thoughts”, is often listed as one of the major side-effects of Prozac. Imagine that! A medication designed for suicidal people which may cause suicidal thoughts! There is no doubt that taking psychotropic drugs alters the brain chemistry, just like alcohol or any other intoxicant.

It is in my opinion that occupational therapy, talk therapy, and community interaction are among the best treatments for depression. However, yet again, there is a draw back to these types of therapies as well.

Anytime an American sees a counselor for depression, suicidal thoughts, or any mental health concern, they are then “logged” and “stereotyped”. Those who frequent a mental health counselor could have such activities used against them in a custody battle or those who seek to purchase a firearm.

Imagine you are battling depression, so you go see a counselor, only to have it used against you in the future. This is why many, myself included, fear the idea of seeing a mental health specialist during times of great stress. Once you visit these people, you are very “labeled” and will be “marked”. If you find yourself facing any future litigation, the courts can uncover your medical records whereas they will say,:

“Ahhh! You went to a mental health counselor several times for depression! You aren’t fit to own a gun or have custody of your kids!”.

In some cases, this may true, whereas in others, it could be an unfair stereotype. When people mentioned that they see a counselor or take anti-depressant medication, people will often sneer at you or perhaps take a step back. We associate mental health concerns with schizophrenia or severe manic depressive types. The fact is, we are all suffering with some form of mental illness.

If you are too happy, the doctors will say you are “manic”. If you are too grumpy, they will say you have “type A” personality. If you are too sad, they will say you are suffering from severe “Depression”. It is much like going to a mechanic. If you talk long enough, they will find something wrong with you!

The truth is simple. Visiting a mental health counselor could result in you losing rights to your child, to your firearms, and your reputation as a person. It is a sad truth. Under our current system, most people do not seek help for fear of being demonized.

The top ways we can prevent mass shootings is by encouraging a friendly community, surround yourself with loving people, do your best to be involved parents, seek natural therapies to mental health disorders over drugs if possible (Sports, work therapy, etc..). If you are hearing voices or are frequently attempting to complete your suicide, then you should certainly seek medical intention.

Requiring mental health screenings to purchase firearms sounds like a great idea until you realize that most don’t seek help so that they can purchase a firearm! Why not screen people’s health condition before they purchase alcohol, get a driver’s license, or board a plane? Mental health can make nearly any activity dangerous. Our country must stop looking for “quick” fixes and start looking at the true cause of our demise.

Our fast-food, sex-violence, entertainment, glorification of misunderstand anarchism. There is “freedom” and then there is “responsible” freedom. Make choices in life, however, make those choices in respect of how it will affect your society at large. Legislators cannot solve these issues. These issues are ones that will require families to step up, unite, and take back the reign of traditional values without going overboard.

A middle ground between progressive thought and traditional values must be balanced. We mustn’t be afraid to advance our society, but we must also not totally disregard traditional ways of living which have served our humanity for so long.

Lastly, we must encourage more anonymity within our mental health departments. Must like the “confessionals” at a Catholic church. If people can be anonymously treated without so much of a paper-trail to stigmatize them, I am sure that many more people would step forward and ask for help.

As a boxing coach, this job often requires me to be a counselor, talking with my students, building up their confidence. If you are depressed and need help, but do not trust or fear doctors, a great alternative in my opinion is to stay active in group settings. Building relationships are essential in combating mental illness. In poor countries, suicide rates are often low because their communities are so tight knit. They may be poor, but no one is as lonely as the isolated modern man who types away in his cold artificially lit office cubicle.

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Counselling in Mental Health

Ultimately, counselling is (or should be) about learning and practicing how to HELP YOURSELF. A counsellor’s job or task is to help others to help themselves! A misconception among general society about counselling relates to advice giving. A counsellor should only give advice in certain or particular situations or under certain circumstances such as if somebody is pointing a dealy weapon to their own head (the counsellor could rightfully use “shoulds” then in such circumstances). Generally, for a counsellor to give advice is going against the principles of what counselling is about or intended to be (if used correctly) A core idea of counselling as a general rule of thumb is for the client (or person receiving counselling) to grow in him or herself and become self-sufficient as far as handling/managing current and future problems, NOT to become dependent on a counsellor or ANYBODY else to make decisions for them (such as advice giving) which will only hinder or stalemate personal growth and resolution of problems. Walk in clinic Calgary will refer you to their mental health department upon request.

Then, what is counselling? Yes it is a helping relationship in that the counsellor helps people to help themselves. A counsellor does not (or should not) DO for others (apart from in exceptional circumstances). Counselling is a therapeutic relationship conducive to personal growth, awareness and the development of problem solving skills in order to deal with general life issues. However, counselling is an ever-evolving field or practice and there are many specialist counsellors who are highly competent and very, very skilled in areas such as grief and loss. There is some debate about whether counselling and psychotherapy are different, and generally there does tend to be differences. As a general rule or guide, even though a counsellor may practice general or specific types of psychotherapy, a counsellor is generally or often not as well endeared in formal recognised qualifications as psychotherapists. What are psychotherapists? They are various practitioners with training and skills in psychotherapy ranging from family therapists to psychiatrists. They are professionals who may have masters or doctorate degrees in particular mental health fields and they are generally licenced, certified and registered and this means that they are recognised by governmental agencies or particular other psychological agencies. A counsellor may have recognised skills too, but not necessarily in the form of a masters or doctorate degree. A counsellor may obtain a diploma of counselling and psychotherapy but never obtain higher qualifications.

The term “therapist” may loosely be used as a broad term covering counsellors and more recognised psychotherapists. Speaking in loose terms, a physiotherapist, a diversional therapist, a pastoral counsellor, an art therapist, a hypnotherapist, a counsellor, a psychologist, a behaviour therapist and many others could all be loosely termed or grouped as therapists. A constable and a sergeant are both police officers but one more highly recognised and a similar comparison could be made between a counsellor and a psychotherapist. An interesting point to note also is that studies have revealed/concluded that paraprofessionals (those with somewhat minimal training such as those who have only had a few hours of training in communication skills such as active listening, using reflective skills, empathy and the like, and others such as college students and those with no formal qualifications in “therapy”) can obtain very positive results in working with those presenting for treatment of general life problems. In other words, many people can be aided in a “therapeutic” relationship or atmosphere with non-professionals (non-therapists) as much as certain professional people who are therapists. It’s not always the case such as in adults who present with more disturbing issues, but the point is that helpers may not absolutely need to be an “expert therapist” in order for others (generally speaking and in general situations) to reap benefits of personal interaction in dealing with general life issues. Certain types of theories and those used in many forms of counselling state and believe that humans have the capacity for self-healing with general problems or issues in life. But it is ideally suitable to associate with others when we need to whether we are facing depression, anxiety problems, relationship problems, addictions and so-forth and a part of the healing package or the “ingredients” that are required for many of us to overcome various problems is to communicate ( in one way or another) with paraprofessionals, non-professionals AND sometimes professional people in whom may come in the form of a warm, empathic and accepting counsellor.

How might a counsellor help? What benefits are there in seeing a counsellor? How DO they help? What role can they play? Many questions may be asked and these seem to be some common ones. A counsellor may be able to help in various ways and some of this will be the actual approach that they use (“approaches” here meaning an actual school of thought as in different types of psychotherapies). Counsellors are generally trained at least in certain aspects of psychotherapy (such as Person-centred therapy developed by Carl Rogers) and will generally have certain skills not only in areas such as communication skills, conflict resolution, portraying a congruent attitude and demonstrating unconditional positive regard and so-forth, but they generally are able to utilise skills of particular techniques used in various forms of psychotherapy. Counsellors may not be as skilled or have specific expertise skills as somebody such as a psychologist who is trained in helping those with mental health problems, but they still do have a fairly large repertoire of “things up their sleeve” that they can use for helping to work with others ( remembering that counselling is or should be about helping others to help themselves). Most counsellors are renowned or have a reputation of being very warm-hearted people. It may be pleasantly surprising to discover some of the benefits in talking to a non-judgemental, empathic, listening, open-minded, genuine or “real” person as a climate of such an environment in such cases can contribute to personal growth and/or other positive aspects that may be so fruitful in fighting or facing the battle of mental health issues.

A counsellor can help by using certain skills, by actually wanting to listen to you and in other ways such as helping you to become more aware of parts of yourself, using your own inbuilt skills and abilities, practicing certain skills and techniques, right though to simply offering you a non-judgemental attitude and a caring relationship, helping you to find suitable other people who have specialist skills in helping in all sorts of different areas, helping you to vent feelings and thoughts which in itself can be therapeutic, dealing with unresolved issues of the past and becoming more fully-equipped to maximise the value of the present and putting things into place for future problems or challenges, assisting you to challenge negative self-defeating beliefs, reconstruct healthy, rational or adaptive ways of thinking and much, much more. Counsellors may not be psychiatrists or have quite the in-depth knowledge of mental health issues and disorders, but they can offer aspects of healing in oneslf to a lot of people with various mental health problems.

A counsellor can actually help somewhat by merely “being there”. Certain psychotherapies believe in such significance of the counsellor being present meaning that it is so important to provide people with a warm, accepting and empathic environment for counselling. The counsellor being genuine, empathic and accepting you whole-heartedly despite any shortcomings what-so-ever is seen to be crucial and if it is (according to some therapeutic approaches) people ca begin to discover their potential to handle life’s adversaries. However, strong debate exists that this is simply not enough. More is needed and in the form of “added” therapeutic techniques and methods. I personally agree and when coming to dealing with mental health issues, particular skills and techniques are needed to be offered by the counsellor to those dealing with psychiatric problems such as depression, psychosis, anxiety disorders and other. However, generally speaking, a counsellor’s role includes accepting you whole-heartedly, being free of any biases towards you what-so-ever, being their absolute true selves towards you and seeing things in your eyes (how YOU see things) or at least acknowledging them (what might be termed “seeing your subjectivity”). Therefore, a counsellor should work with you in a genuinely caring manner and at least offer you a non-judgemental listening ear. They should be able to take anything you may disclose or “show” as being compared to like a dry sponge soaking up a spill of water. They will be able to support you non-judgementally and demonstrate belief in your ability to overcome whatever you are dealing with. That may sound “nice”, but what else could they offer you or what else could or should you expect? This depends on presenting problems of the client and what therapeutic approach they are working with such as Person-Centred Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy, Solution-Focused Therapy and so-on.

We’ll stick with talking about mental health issues for now. Certain types of approaches (of psychotherapy) are far better suited to dealing with mental health problems than other approaches. For example, the most reputable and comprehensive type of psychotherapy for dealing with depression is called Cognitive Therapy ( be added..). It offers the deepest and most insightful methods of helping to deal with depression more than any other type of psychotherapy (as generally recognised by psychologists and those working in the area of mental health). What may this have to do with counselling? It depends on what we actually interpret counselling to be. Some state there is little difference between counselling and psychotherapy, while others think otherwise. I am of a firm belief that psychotherapy is “deeper” than general counselling, particularly when it comes to terms with working within the mental health sector and actually addressing psychiatric problems and disorders head-on. Some people “compare” counsellors and psychotherapists to be basically alike and in such cases a counsellor would be seen to offer you a psycho-therapeutic framework meaning that they will work with you by using certain techniques of particular types of psychotherapy. So you could expect this from a counsellor if a counsellor is regarded more-or-less as a psychotherapist. However, if one is to regard counsellors and psychotherapists differently in terms of the skills, approaches, methods and techniques that are put on show by them (or what they could offer you), it would be seen then that counsellors are different so they would help somewhat differently to other professionals. So, if professionals such as psychotherapists and psychologists work within a psycho-therapeutic framework but not necessarily counsellors, what else then can counselors offer you? They can offer you general support as in consolidating or expanding the foundations or the repertoire of available help on offer. They should have a solid, broad knowledge and awareness of many other “branches” of help, others who can help, other agencies (governmental and non-governmental) and a whole platform of supportive networks of help out there in general society that are available for those who need them. They should be able to offer a foundational type of support in themselves in most cases though ( meaning that they should be able to be a part of your cornerstone or central resource of support). General Practitioners can (and quite often do) play a large and highly significant role too.

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The Indictment of Anthony Fauci for His Big Lie

With a grand jury approach, the revealing of evidence herein shows that Dr. Anthony Fauci has deliberately ignored massive amounts of data showing that hydroxychloroquine is a safe, cheap and effective remedy for COVID-19. By ignoring his ethical responsibility as a physician to first do no harm, his behavior continues to cause preventable pain, suffering and death. Evidence also vindicates what President Trump said and did early on to inform Americans about the benefits of hydroxychloroquine. See walk in clinic Guelph Doctor to verify this information.

1. The Case

Mounting COVID-19 cases and deaths result from limitations on physicians using a safe, effective and low-cost treatment medicine. This, despite many studies and data from other countries showing that HCQ really works to lower death rates and keep affected people from needing hospitalizations and expensive care.

Missing from discussions of hydroxychloroquine use is explicit acknowledgment that Anthony Fauci has used his considerable power and influence to block use of the drug and prevent physicians from using their best judgment. The media have failed to connect two death-causing actions: 1. Some state governors forcing nursing homes to accept virus-infected elderly people; and 2. Government preventing wide and early use of HCQ.

2. Reluctance to condemn Fauci

Nearly everyone seems afraid to openly condemn Fauci’s behavior and demand a reversal of his position on HCQ, which would also impact CDC and FDA.

He has made himself the king of virus medicine through constant media appearances far beyond what is normal for a medical researcher. He is part of is a research organization, not a public health or drug approval agency. As much a tyrant as a virus expert, Fauci has stubbornly refused to admit his mistake.

In this vein, an Australian government official has recently condemned the ban on using HCQ:

“Health bureaucrats have ‘violated the very first principle of the Hippocratic oath’ which is to ‘do no harm.’… and they must lift their bans. Otherwise they are engaged in crimes against humanity, and they should be taken to the criminal court in The Hague.”

Some Americans blame President Trump for the high levels of cases, hospitalizations and deaths from COVID-19. But they have more reason to blame Fauci and his pandemic of lies about HCQ. At the end of this article is a “political” solution. It could make stockpiled HCQ broadly available.

3. The Evidence

As in a grand jury, this article cites many publications and detailed information demonstrating the proper and effective use of HCQ that has already saved millions of lives worldwide in this pandemic and could save millions more.

In sum, evidence shows that HCQ should be taken very early, either at home in the first few days after a positive test or after symptoms deemed significant by a physician, or in the first days of hospitalization. Also, evidence shows that HCQ should be taken along with zinc and an antibiotic, such as doxycycline. Such a “cocktail” can stop the virus at its earliest stage before the very severe second stage.

The Economic Standard’s new white paper argues that “HCQ has met the appropriate burden of proof and urges members of the U.S. news media, public health community, and regulatory agencies to stop politicizing the use of this medicine… opponents have deprived many tens of thousands of Americans of a potentially life-saving treatment.” But like other reports, the critical role of Fauci in blocking broad use of HCQ is missing.

A just released Italian study of 3,451 hospitalized patients found 30% less mortality, better than that reported for the very costly remdesivir in hospitals, touted by Fauci. An earlier, smaller Italian study found a 66% reduction in death in hospital patients. A Belgium study of 8,075 hospitalized patients found a 65% reduction. Likewise, a recent study from Saudi Arabia found 43% fewer hospitalizations and 45% fewer ICU admissions. For high-risk nursing home patients in Spain HCQ cut the risk of a bad outcome in half.

A large Henry Ford Hospital System study found a mortality rate for 2,541 patients of 13.5% for HCQ alone, 20.1% for HCQ plus azithromycin, and 26.4% for neither.

A new analysis by R. Clinton Ohlers is title, “Effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine was hiding in plain sight.” An early widely publicized study concluded that HCQ was not effective in New York patients. In truth: “Survival rates for hospitalized patients who received the drug approached 85%” and “with azithromycin the survival rate rose as high as 90%.” Without either drug, “survival fell to levels as low as 53%.” Conclusion: “a highly effective, inexpensive, and widely available treatment for COVID-19 is already in hand.”

Similarly, Dr. Watanabe from Brazil reanalyzed a Minnesota study that had a negative conclusion. For very early HCQ use, he found that “reduction in symptomatic outcomes is 72% after 0 days (first day of infection), 48.9% after 1 day and 29.3% after 2 days” – all compared to a placebo group. Conclusion: “Infected patients may have a large benefit if treated as early as possible.”

Cover Up: Fauci Approved Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine 15 Years Ago to Cure Coronaviruses; “Nobody Needed to Die”
Clearly, many media-hyped studies saying HCQ has no benefits are not credible. Some medical journal papers were retracted.

An article by physician Norman Doidge is “Hydroxychloroquine: A Morality Tale – A startling investigation into how a cheap, well-known drug became a political football in the midst of a pandemic.” Conclusion: “Worldwide [HCQ] might save a million or more people before COVID is tamed.” Some studies were poorly designed. In one case “the patients were given the medication late – on average 16.6 days after the first symptoms.”

Another important study is: “Early treatment with hydroxychloroquine: a country-based analysis.” Critical conclusion: The death rate from the virus in a number of nations where HCQ has been made widely available (the treatment group) is about 74% less than in those nations, including the U.S., where it has not been made available (the control group).

Many physicians and experts on viruses have published strong pro-HCQ articles, notably Dr. Harvey Risch from Yale University. He has repeatedly argued for using HCQ as the standard outpatient therapy. This article is for a general audience. In a medical journal article, he warned against “sitting by and letting hundreds of thousands die because we did not have the courage to act according to our rational calculations.”

Experienced pro-HCQ front-line doctors have appeared on Fox News shows, including Dr. Stephen Smith, Dr, Marc Siegel (whose 96-year-old father was saved with HCQ), Dr. Janette Nesheiwat, Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Risch who noted, “We’re basically fighting a propaganda war against the medical facts” and that “75,000 to 100,000 lives will be saved” if the national HCQ stockpile were used. Fox’s Sean Hannity had Dr. George Fareed, an early user of HCQ, on a recent radio show.

A new CDC publication reveals prescriptions for HCQ at retail stores (not mail order). In March through June this year there likely were 680,000 prescriptions for treating the virus. After the government clamp down, prescriptions in May and June averaged 80,000 a month. This limited use may help explain many reduced death rates.

And despite negative actions by some governments and the World Health Organization, the Sermo survey of physicians in 30 countries found for this September that HCQ is being used for 22% of patients outside hospitals, 21% inside them and even 14% in ICUs.

4. Problems with Fauci’s Positions

Dr. Fauci is only satisfied with randomized control trials (RCTs). This position has been sharply debunked, as has the assertion of negative health effects and that HCQ risks outweigh its benefits.

Thomas R. Frieden, former head of the CDC, concluded in 2017: “Despite their strengths, RCTs have substantial limitations.” He supported using many other kinds of data that now constitute the evidence for using HCQ.

Similarly, Norman Doidge observed: “RCT is best understood as standing not for Randomized Control Trials, but rather ‘Rigidly Constrained Thinking.’ in the current COVID-19 situation… we cannot simply, as so many are insisting [namely Fauci], rely only on the long-awaited RCTs to decide how to treat COVID-19.”

Importantly, hundreds of drugs have been approved without RCTs, including hydrocortisone, Lasix, tetanus vaccine, insulin, tetracycline, warfarin, heparin, prednisone, half of chemotherapy drugs used in cancer and uses of HCQ for many diseases, such as malaria and lupus.

Another false criticism has recently been debunked: “HCQ decreases cardiac events. HCQ should not be restricted in COVID-19 patients out of fear of cardiac mortality.” Another study concluded: “HCQ administration is safe for a short-term treatment for patients with COVID-19… causing… no directly attributable arrhythmic deaths.” Dr. James Todaro concluded: “It is highly unlikely that fatal cardiac cases are from hydroxychloroquine use. It is far more likely that the disease itself is the cause of arrhythmias and cardiac injury during the hyperinflammation phase of severe cases of COVID-19.”

An article by Steven Hatfill, “Why Is The Media Suppressing Information About Hydroxychloroquine’s Effectiveness Against COVID?” noted, “There are now 53 studies that show positive results of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 infections.” It also highlights the early Fauci and FDA strategy that promoted use of HCQ for hospitalized patients (when it was mostly too late) rather than early outpatient use.

The Doidge article noted that for a major study that found a 66% reduction in hospital deaths from use of HCQ, Fauci “didn’t seem excited.” The key question: “Why should anyone facing a pandemic wish to discredit potentially lifesaving medications?” The answer: The billions of dollars to be made from selling medications and vaccines. Fauci has had a very close relationship with pharmaceutical companies and has patents for one of the leading vaccines being tested by Moderna.

In August three-front line physicians wrote a detailed open letter to Fauci making the medical case for unblocking widespread use of HCQ. “You are largely unchallenged in terms of your medical opinions. You are the de facto COVID-19 Czar… Americans must not continue to die unnecessarily. Adults must resume employment and our youth return to school. Locking down America while awaiting an imperfect vaccine has done far more damage to Americans than the coronavirus.”

An important article by an epidemiologist rebutted the explanation by Fauci of why he rejects the incredible amount of evidence supporting use of HCQ. Conclusion: “I earnestly hope that Dr. Fauci reconsiders his opposition to HCQ and restores his hitherto considerable reputation.”

Schachtel noted, “Mad scientist: Fauci demands total U.S. shutdown until COVID vaccine arrives: There is no basis for Fauci’s claim that he can manipulate society into stopping the virus. He is either a victim of the illusion of control, or he has embraced total deception as part of his power drunk campaign to stay in the spotlight.”

Dr. Lee D. Merritt unraveled the question of why Fauci has been so negative about HCQ: “Why is he so strongly promoting the $3,600 remdesiver and almost totally ignoring the $20 HCQ regimen, other than to say the latter is of ‘unproven benefit’?” Are there conflicts of interest? She noted that Fauci is an integral part of a vaccine coalition, specifically the Global Vaccine Action Plan (GVAP), a collaboration of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Fauci’s group. Fauci is also in the Leadership Council of the ‘Decade of Vaccines’ Council. Large sums of money flow from the Gates Foundation to and around Fauci’s projects.

5. Indictment justified

The continued use of crippling lockdowns advocated by Fauci is sheer lunacy when, in fact, we have an effective therapeutic. Early use of HCQ coupled with understanding the low impact of the virus on younger and healthy people would have blocked local and state lockdowns.

Waiting for large-scale use of a proven vaccine to justify restoring our society and economy is just plain stupid. If Fauci were a genuine public health official and not just a medical researcher, then he would have recognized the great many negative health impacts of lockdowns and waiting for a broadly used vaccine. He has not.

In sum: Every single day people are suffering and dying unnecessarily because Fauci refuses to accept HCQ facts. Instead, in endless media statements and appearances he pushes masks, lockdowns and vaccines.

Anthony Fauci benefits from incorrect views of HCQ in the mostly leftist press. From The Washington Post: “There is no solid scientific evidence hydroxychloroquine should be used to treat COVID-19.” Similarly, Twitter recently issued a warning “about the potential risks” of HCQ use. USA Today claimed science “has shown [HCQ] does not have a clinical benefit for COVID-19 patients and even has increased risks.”

6. Indictment specifics

For this grand jury proceeding, substantial evidence supports the indictment of Fauci on these counts:

A. Violating his physician oath to first do no harm.

B. Using his substantial influence to block widespread use of the proven safe, cheap and effective HCQ and, consequently, causing preventable pain, suffering and death for many thousands of Americans directly and through crippling lockdowns with their own negative health impacts.

C. Blocking traditional medical freedom and preventing physicians from using their best judgment in selecting for their patients the best treatment for COVID-19.

7. Solution

As a form of trial for the indicted Fauci, here is a practical way to defeat anti-HCQ efforts and the leftist, anti-Trump media and, more importantly, help Americans.

Immediately create a special work group under the White House Pandemic Task Force. Have it co-chaired by Dr. Scott Atlas, now a member of the Task Force, and the eminent Dr. Harvey Risch of Yale University. Have them select 10 additional members. Mandate them to deliver to the Task Force and President Trump within 30 days a recommendation to remove government restrictions on the use of HCQ or maintain the status quo. Let truth prevail.

Important reading in the covid pandemic.

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Fall and Winter Allergies and How to Keep Them at Bay

Seasonal allergies are common to countries with four seasons. Because of the change in temperature and environment, a lot of allergen triggers arise which causes those with allergies to suffer.

In Canada, one out of six Canadians suffers from seasonal allergies. The most common allergens are the production of pollens from ragweeds, molds, and dust mites.

According to statistics, over 40 percent of those suffering from seasonal allergies are caused by pollens.

Because of climate change, the duration of every season has changed. This change brings a longer season and a longer exposure to seasonal allergens. There has been a pollen count rise in Canada over the years which brought people a lot of problems especially those suffering from allergies.

Allergies also affect the quality of work people give. Those suffering from allergies often call in sick for work in the fall and winter seasons.

Fall allergies

Fall and winter are two of the seasons that triggers allergies. During the fall season, pollens generated from ragweeds are the main allergen triggers for people. Pollen travels through the wind for miles and miles away. Because of that, people who don’t have ragweeds around their houses can still suffer from an allergic reaction because of the wind. Some fruits and vegetables can also be a trigger because of pollens that can stick around it.

Dust mites and molds can also be the cause of allergies during the fall season. One of the most common breeding ground for molds in the fall season are leaves that are piled outside of your homes. These molds may be inhaled by kids and adults and may trigger an allergic reaction.

Dust mites on the other hand can get into the air upon turning on the heaters or making the fireplace.

Here are some symptoms of fall allergies:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  •  Teary eyes
  •  Itchy nose and eyes
  •  Runny nose

To avoid allergies during the fall, minimize going outside. This will help you from being exposed to pollens and molds that are carried in the air. Closing your windows and doors to avoid these irritants from going into your home is advised.

Clean your surrounding especially difficult to reach places in your house. Take extra effort in tidying up the area under the couch and beds, your fireplace if you have one, the heater before turning it on, and the area behind your closets and cupboards. Maintaining a clean environment is a must for those who are suffering from seasonal allergies.

Steroids, decongestants, and antihistamine medicines are treatments for allergies. You can also get an allergy shot or oral tablets. The other term for these shots is immunotherapy. Most of these medicines for allergies are over-the-counter drugs and there is no need for a doctor’s prescription. But you should still make sure that you are taking these drugs properly. For example, decongestant sprays should be only used for 3 days and overuse of these drugs can cause more congestion in your breathing.

Winter allergies

Winter allergies on the other hand are triggered due to the colder temperature and longer exposure to indoor allergens.

The common allergens during winter are dust mites, mold, airborne dust particles, and pet danders.

Dust mites can get into the beddings, carpets, and furniture. Cleaning them once every few months is advised especially for carpets where dust particles reside.

Molds are usually in the basement, bathrooms, sinks, and other damp places.

Pet danders are from your pets like your dogs and cats. Since they roam around the house, dirt particles can reside in your furniture and many other areas of your house.

Here are some symptoms for winter allergies:

  • Itchy eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Dry cough
  • Skin rash
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Clogged nose
  • Chest pain
  • Wheezing

Here are possible treatments for winter allergies:

  • Take over the counter drugs for allergies – Antihistamines
  • Nasal sprays
  • Allergy shots

Winter allergies can be prevented by regularly cleaning your house. Changing and washing your clothes, beddings, and furniture covers regularly to remove dust mites and dirt particles also work.

Putting protective covers to your pillows and mattresses to prevent dust mites from entering your beddings will also help in preventing your allergies.

Regular vacuuming your carpet, floors, and curtains will help eliminate dust particles.

Fix your leaking pipes or ceilings from your bathroom, basements, or roof to prevent the build-up of moisture inside your house that causes mold production.

Using a dehumidifier will help lessen the moisture inside your house. This will minimize the occurrence of molds in your bedroom and living areas.


Allergies are common when seasons change. Over the counter drugs are easily available when you have symptoms of allergies. If your symptoms persist, contact your doctor. Want to get treated for your allergies fast? Contact an online doctor Toronto. If you have other treatments for illness before your allergies, it is important to consult your doctor to prevent complications with your medication as some drugs may affect your treatments for other illnesses.

7 Ways to Get Rid of Your Child’s Athletes Foot

As parents, you often observe if there are any changes in behavior or new mannerisms in your child. If your child comes home from school and you notice him or her incessantly scratching his or her feet, maybe it’s time to check if he or she has an athlete’s foot.

Tinea Pedis, more commonly called athlete’s foot, is a skin infection brought about by fungi. The fungus that causes this skin disorder consumes dead skin cells. Unfortunately, the human feet produce a lot of old skin cells which make them the body parts that are usually prone to this type of fungi.

Tinea pedis is popularly termed as athlete’s foot because athletes are the ones who typically get infected with skin diseases. One of the reasons athletes are more inclined to catch this is because the fungus strain causing the disease is usually found in areas where athletes spend their time in.  This type of fungus dwells in damp and warm surfaces like in showers, pools, and locker rooms. Athletes are susceptible if they walk barefoot in these areas – and they usually do! The fungus can also thrive on towels that the athletes usually use to dry their feet.

Although athletes are more prone to this, anyone can get tinea pedis – including your child. Here are some symptoms of athlete’s foot that you can watch out for:

·         Itchiness, continuous scratching of the feet;

·         Redness and scaling on the soles;

·         Elevated bumps on the feet;

·         Rashes visible on the inside part of the feet;

·         Smelly feet odor;

·         Burning sensation of the affected area; and,

·         If the child cannot stop scratching, raw skin surface

The bad news is that the fungi associated with this skin disease can spread to other parts of your child’s feet and other parts of his or her body. Before the condition worsens, you have to try these remedies to get rid of the child’s athlete’s foot problem:

1.    Soak your child’s feet in a footbath solution.

Some people swear that mixing 1 teaspoon of bleach to half a gallon of water and soaking the feet in the solution for 10 minutes is effective. However, if you are concerned about the effects of bleach on your child’s skin, you can opt for less strong footbath concoctions. Instead of the bleach footbath, you can soak your child’s feet in a 70% rubbing alcohol and 30% water solution. Or, you can also dilute a mixture of vinegar and water as an alternative.

2.    Bleach your child’s socks and towels and clean his or her shoes.

The fungus can thrive in shoes, towels, socks, and other clothing materials. If your child has an athlete’s foot, it is important to clean up his or her belongings, especially his or her socks and shoes. You can also use antifungal disinfectants like Pine-Sol to eliminate any fungus strain.

3.    Air out your child’s feet and things.

Since the fungus lives in damp and warm areas, it is recommended to air out your child’s feet and often-used belongings. If your child needs to use socks, choose a pair that is made of breathable material. As much as possible, let your child use flip flops.

4.    Use foot powder to avoid sweating.

If you want to keep your child’s feet from perspiring, use antifungal foot powders. A dusting of antifungal foot powder is crucial especially if your child needs to wear shoes.

5.    Prevent your child from walking barefoot.

If your child is at school, make sure that he or she is wearing flip flops or shower shoes when at the public showers. Let him or her bring a personal towel for the body and feet to avoid using towels at school. Additionally, you should also give him or her own set of slippers at home to prevent the spread of the fungus.

6.    Apply anti-fungal cream to the affected areas.

Get the help of a family doctor’s advice to treat your child’s athlete’s foot. The physician can prescribe an anti-fungal cream that you can apply to the affected area to prevent the spread and eliminate the fungi. Your doctor will also prescribe how often you should use the cream and for how long. If you cannot personally meet your family doctor at his or her clinic, an alternative is consulting an online doctor Toronto. Online doctors charge relatively cheaper consultation fees and they also provide digital prescriptions that you can use to buy the needed medicines for your child’s treatment.

7.    Get the whole family treated.

Since the fungus can easily spread, it is recommended that you should also watch out for the symptoms of athlete’s foot in other family members who are in close contact with your child. If possible, disinfect your home and your family’s clothing and belongings, especially, socks, towels, and shoes. Coordinate with your family doctor or trusted online physician if you need to get the whole family treated.

Save yourself and your child from the unnecessary discomfort from athlete’s foot. Do these seven tips and if possible, contact a dermatologist immediately.

5 Ways to Help Men With Their Mental Health

In Calgary, an organization promoting mental health awareness has initiated a project which covers online support for men suffering from mental health issues. The initiative utilized the online platform through a private forum, Facebook page, and peer-to-peer sessions in the community to encourage male members of their community to open up and share their struggles.

According to organization founders, their locality suffered seven losses due to suicide since June this year. According to them, they launched the project to give men in Calgary an avenue to go to if they are struggling with problems like deep-seated trauma, financial woes, losses, breakups, family problems, and other challenges that might need peer intervention.

This just shows that men must also keep an eye on their mental health status and governments and organizations must include programs on how to change the support system for men to get them to talk about their situation.

Almost two-thirds of people with mental health problems will not consult a doctor about their ailment. With the stigma surrounding mental disorders, men will often not seek for help or will only find a psychologist or psychiatrist if they have hit rock bottom emotionally.

The problem is, seeking treatment is sometimes the solution to their emotional distress. To be helped, men need to admit that they need help. If you know someone suffering from a mental disorder, here are things that you can do to help them:

1.    Set a time to listen without distractions.

 Have a listening ear. But if you decide that you want to listen to a male friend, make sure that you set time to talk without distractions. You will only make matters worse if you initiate the conversation but you cannot concentrate because of other things. Give him an open avenue and a non-judgemental ear.

And when he starts to talk, let him share as much or as little as he wants to. You are there not to command the conversation, but to listen. Let him take the lead of your conversation and adjust to his pace of revealing things. If he is not ready to talk about something, do not pressure him. Do not expect him to tell you everything in one sitting.

When he finally decides to share his problems with you, take care to keep everything confidential. You might be the first and only person he opened up to, so consider all information precious and keep the conversation within yourselves, unless he expresses willingness to tell other people.

2.    Do not diagnose what they are feeling.

If you decide to help someone, have in mind that you are not a doctor or a specialist who can diagnose diseases. If he opens up about how he feels, listen but do not give advice or worse, recommend medicines that “might” cure him. Do not make sweeping statements like:

“You have depression for sure.”

“You are having severe anxiety.”

“That’s what depressed people usually do.”

“I have a friend who had depression before and he took this over the counter medicine.”

Remember, you being there is already a big help. Do not assume the role of a doctor when you are talking to your friend or loved one.

3.    Discuss holistic well-being too.

If he is not too keen on discussing what he is feeling, open up other conversations. Casually talk about his physical well-being. Be interested in what he eats and what he usually does every day. If he agrees, you can invite him to start a simple daily exercise regimen. If you are neighbors, invite him for morning brisk walking or jogging. If you are far away from each other and cannot meet because of social protocols and quarantine restrictions, invite him to exercise together online. Or, you can also volunteer to pay for his one-week meal plan. If he cannot fully open about his feelings, at least help him open up about his diet and exercise.

4.    Introduce him to online peer support groups.

As the local group in Calgary will attest, providing online support for the mental wellbeing of men will already make a huge difference. Find an online group or forum where your friend or loved one can join and voice out anonymously. Because it is online, he can hide under an avatar or code name and join discussions without revealing his identity if he is still not ready to divulge who he is. The important thing is he gets an avenue to talk to others regarding similar problems and he also has an opportunity to share from his experiences.

5.    Encourage him to get professional help.If he is still not ready to approach a walk in clinic Calgary, perhaps he will be more comfortable seeking professional help through online clinics. You can introduce him to online doctors who can diagnose and give treatment options without him leaving his home.

Back to School Preparations to Protect Your Child From COVID-19

As schools are re-opening this September, one of the most stressful challenges any parent in Canada must manage is how to protect your kid from getting infected with COVID-19. Are social protocols going to be strictly implemented? Will the children’s room be properly ventilated? Are schools going to make sure that the door handles are frequently disinfected? These are just a few questions running around any mother or father’s mind.

But as much as we would want out kinds to stay within our reach inside our homes, they need to go to school. Schools are more than just a place for academics for children and teens. Besides learning how to read, write, and count, children can develop their emotional and social skills in schools by interacting with other children. It is a place where they get to taste a part of what we call the society or community.

​The question remains though: Are the kids really safe to go back to school?

Government authorities have given a go signal for the young ones to return to their places of learning. However, this does not mean that you, as a parent, would not do anything to protect your child on your own. Here is some back to school preparations that you can do to safeguard your kid against the threat of the global pandemic:

  1. Train your child to practice personal preventive measures.

By this time, the whole family should know the different health protocols recommended by the government and health authorities. This is the moment when your child has to do this on his or her own. Make sure that your kid knows the different preventive measures by heart. The most important things that you need to teach your child are the following:

  • Using of alcohol and sanitizer. Orient your children about the proper use of alcohol or sanitizer. These items are crucial in sanitizing the hands. Their hands should be sanitized every time they touch knobs or handles in schools and public places to avoid transmission of germs. Your child must have a small container of alcohol in his or her pocket or conveniently attached to his or her bag.
  •  Wearing of a face mask. Face masks protect you from being exposed directly to droplets, one of the modes of transmission of the novel coronavirus. Kids must be instructed that they should wear masks in public places especially when they are facing a lot of people or when they are talking to someone within a close distance. Kids must also avoid touching the outer part of the mask. If they accidentally do, instruct them to sanitize their hands immediately.
  1. Impress the importance of physical distancing to your kid.

The children must know that they should keep at least three to six feet away from other people, including their teachers and friends at school. Tell your child to step away from groups or areas that are not following the physical distancing protocol. He or she must also report to you if the school or the teacher is not strict in following these health rules.

  1. In the meantime, pack your child’s lunch in disposable brown bag containers.

The children need to eat nutritious foods to boost their immunity.  But to protect your household from contracting COVID-19, you must avoid bringing possibly contaminated items back to our homes. Try to stock your pantry with brown take-out bags, take out boxes, and biodegradable plastics and utensils. You can prepare your child’s food and put it in biodegradable disposable containers. Let your child just throw the whole lot away after eating.

  1. Let your kid shower when he or she gets home.

Whenever your child returns from school, get him or her ready for a bath. Let him go straight to the bathroom to get undressed and to have a shower. His used clothes must be separated into another container and sprayed with Lysol. You can isolate the clothes and just get them once you are ready to do the laundry.

  1. Do not let the child go to school if he or she is sick.

You must also do your part to prevent the spread of infection. If your child has a cough, itchy throat, stuffed nose, or is sick with fever it is best to let him or her stay at home to protect not only your child but also other children. Inform his or her teacher when this happens so that you can be advised if your child can still receive notes or make-up for missed exams and quizzes while he or she is ill. It is also best if you can get your kid checked. If you cannot go out of the house or visit a walk-in clinic Brantford, consult an online doctor instead so that your child can get treated at home.

As a parent, it is only natural that you feel the need to protect your kid. However, for all of these things to be effective, let the child understand why he or she needs to do all these things.

Does My Child Have ADHD? Know the Early Signs

According to the Centre For ADHD Awareness, Canada (CADDAC), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is the most common childhood psychiatric illness in Canada. But although it is an entirely treatable mental disorder, only a few cases of ADHD are diagnosed and reported.

How much do you know about this condition?

ADHD is a neurological disorder that affects the parts of the brain involved in planning, focusing, and implementing tasks. It commonly impacts kids and is known to affect 5% of children population worldwide. The disease may be observed during the early learning years when the child starts to have a problem staying still or focusing on activities. It has no known cure but finding out early that your child has it can improve the kid’s chances to control the symptoms and adjust to society.

What causes this disorder?

Medical researchers are still not sure of the exact cause of ADHD, but there are some factors seen to bring about the condition:

  • Heredity. ADHD can be passed on from one generation to the next.
  • Lead toxin. This can affect brain development among children.
  • Brain injury. Damages to parts of the brain that control impulses and emotions can trigger the disease.
  •  Bad habits during pregnancy. Malnutrition, drug and substance use, alcohol drinking, smoking, and contracting infections may affect fetal brain development.
  • Brain underdevelopment. Parts of the brain that control attention do not actively function.

How do you know it’s ADHD?

ADHD is sometimes difficult to diagnose because some behaviors considered as red flags can sometimes be normal toddlerhood manners. But when the child is more than three years old, its early warning signs can be detected. The three types of ADHD can be classified according to their prevailing symptoms:

  • Primarily hyperactive-impulsive type
  • Primarily inattentive type (previously called Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD)
  •  A combination of the two

Primarily hyperactive-impulsive type

Children with this type of ADHD are a living embodiment of the phrase “ball of energy”. They are usually kids with a case of “zoomies”, constantly moving and with minimal to no impulse control. The following behaviors are typically noticeable:

  •  Squirms, moves around, or fidgets while sitting
  • Has trouble staying still
  • Talks a lot
  • Has trouble being quiet
  •  Constantly runs around
  • Constantly interrupts other children or adults
  • Cannot wait for his or her turn

Primarily inattentive type

If your child has this ADHD type, he or she would likely have a hard time paying attention to tasks or games. Inattentive types are wishful thinkers who constantly forget school work, pens, mobile phones, and even conversations. You can watch out for the following symptoms:

  •  Fond of daydreaming
  • Frequently distracted
  •  Not too keen on listening to others
  • Has difficulty processing instructions
  • Does not complete tasks on hand
  •  Forgets a lot of things
  • Has trouble organizing
  • Often loses things

Combined type

Toddlers with the combined type of ADHD display mixed behaviors of inattentiveness and hyperactivity. Physicians usually diagnose a child with this disorder if they manifest at least six signs per subtype.

Diagnosing the disease

If you have observed the abovementioned behaviors on your child for six months or more, it’s time to consult a doctor or specialist regarding this. If you are hesitant to schedule a meeting with the specialist because of the COVID-19 situation, you can approach an online doctor Vancouver first and ask for advice through an online medium.

Physicians are careful in diagnosing children under five years old with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, especially if there is maintenance medication of prolonged treatment involved. There is no single test to determine that a child has ADHD. The doctor will usually conduct a series of tests and assessments to check for signs of the disorder that the child may manifest in the past six months. Behaviors must also be observed in more than one area, like at school and home, for example.  The symptom must hinder the child’s regular age-appropriate activities or overall development. Your specialist may also interview people, like you and the child’s teachers, to check on your young one. You and your family’s medical history will also be checked.

Since symptoms of ADHD are easy to mistake for other toddler problems, do not just guess. See a licensed medical professional who can help you.

If you watch closely enough, you can successfully catch on the early signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This is crucial so that you can seek treatment for your kid before the disease can cripple his or her way of living. If untreated, the child may experience bullying from other children and even adults, or he/she may bring harm to himself/herself.  Learn more about the disorder. Join support groups. And finally, find a doctor who can support you and help your family manage your child’s condition.